Commercial Construction sample 2
Multilevel Office Building
made to measure
The story
When it comes to non-residential buildings, some still believe that the requirements in terms of space and facilities establish the basis from which to start the planning process. Yet whether an investment ultimately delivers a return, whether efficiency and productivity goals are ultimately met actually depends mostly, if not entirely, on the people who will be working there.
It is their creativity, motivation and commitment that drive the business. The work-place is where these strengths unfold. Where many people work together for hours, days and weeks, identification with the surroundings and unhindered interaction play a crucial role.
More than just real estate
HUF non-residential projects create workplaces with a special atmosphere - a symphony of timber and glass that captures the imagination and feeds inspiration.
HUF's philosophy to blend in harmoniously with the surrondings. Landscape and building merge in flowing transitions and ever-changing vanatage points within and withouht. This creates a self-refreshing perspective, promotes a pleasant working climate and sparks creative impulses - important ingredients of success.
More details about the house
House type
Commercial Construction
Property Area
40.000 m²
Office Surface
9.000 m²

A very special feel
More than just usable space
And yet every HUF project addresses the particular culture and goals of the entrerprise it shelters.
It embodies the intentions of the builder inside and outside, represents the company, promotes its image and gives it a distinctive character while preserving its identity.
The flexible charachter of the HUF Post and beam concept opens new horizons for any type of project!
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