House Builders Awards

The various prefabricated house tests regularly prove that HUF HAUS produces excellent products. Whether in terms of energy efficiency, sustainability and design or when it comes to social commitment. The recognition of experts in top-class juries is always motivation and incentive for the entire HUF HAUS team.

As the market leader for modern timber frame houses made of wood and glass, the family-owned company has proven its expertise in house construction for many years.

The various awards, certificates and trophies prove this on this page.

German dreamhomes

In total, over 150 house designs were submitted, which were viewed and evaluated by an expert jury. In the end 49 homes in 7 categories were nominated. About 210,000 votes of readers and users decided on the gold and silver award.
HUF HAUS won the award in the forward-looking Smart Home category with its innovative concept house "Ausblick".

Customers Choice Award

The HUF Show House Mannheim was extremely popular with readers and came second in the readers' house selection for the "Großer Deutscher Fertighauspreis 2018" (Great German Prefabricated House Award 2018). The show house has an elegant and functional design language reminiscent of classic modernist models. The high proportion of glazing provides modern openness and a generous feeling of space.

Family Home House of the year

The show house Ausblick is chosen as the FamilyHome of the Year 2018 in the category "Smart House" and receives the highest award in GOLD.  The house is the first of its kind not to be controlled by a classic smarthome system, but to think along with its owner. The artificial intelligence (AI) learns through the behaviour of the occupants, adapts and reacts directly to natural language.

Smart design award

The HUF Show house in Mannheim also convinced the jury of the "Großer Deutscher Fertighauspreis 2018" in the area of Smart Design. The KNX system is a good basis with sensible expansion options for the user. The company continues to combine many KNX-compatible products from different manufacturers.

Top rating Platinum for HUF HAUS

The HUF model house in England was awarded the platinum seal of the German Sustainable Building Council. The platinum award for the HUF house ART 6 is representative of the first international award for a detached house by the DGNB.

One video of the award you can watch on our Youtube channel!

Gold seal for sustainability

HUF HAUS follows the strictest sustainability criteria in the planning and realisation of its modern timber-framed houses made of wood and glass - this is impressively proven by the independent test result of the German Sustainable Building Council: Gold for every HUF house that leaves the factory in Hartenfels!

Learn more about the DGNB and the series certification for all HUF houses.

BVF award

The Federal Association for Surface Heating and Cooling e. V. (BVF) awarded the prize for the exemplary residential project on 24 November 2016 in Berlin. HUF City Living - planned and realised by the Westerwald family business HUF HAUS - with the BVF Award 2016 for groundbreaking surface heating and cooling systems.

Home of the Future Award

HUF HAUS and its cooperation partner Viessmann were named the "Home of the Future". In the "Supplier of Excellence Competition" held in England, the HUF Haus ART 6 in England won because of its innovative heating system: an ice storage tank in the ground heats and cools the house.

Certificate for excellent wood protection

As a pioneer in the field of wood protection, we are the first and only company in the half-timbered construction industry to have undergone an even stricter additional test for you. We are therefore proud to present you on this page the test result from the comprehensive expert opinion of the wood protection expert Dipl.-Ing. Borimir Radovic, retired Academic Director.

Hidden Champion

In September 2013 HUF HAUS received the "Hidden Champion" award from Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Simon received. The certificate calls the family business the "European market leader for the modern half-timbered house".

More about Hidden Champions of this world...

Diamond Master Craftsmanship

The Koblenz Chamber of Crafts presents 184 Golden, 32 Diamond, nine Iron and two Platinum Master Letters - Franz Huf receives the Diamond Master Certificate for his many years of work. The 90-year-old is considered a pioneer in prefabricated house construction.

Plus X Award

HUF HAUS receives the highest award of the Plus X Award: The "Most Innovative Brand Award" in the residential buildings product group. The Plus X Award is the world's largest innovation award for technology, sport and lifestyle. It is awarded by 130 international jury members (specialist journalists and industry experts).

All awards

  • Federal Cross of Merit 1977 (Franz Huf)
  • Ludwig Erhard Medal 1977 (Franz Huf)
  • Business Medal 1999 (Franz Huf)
  • Innovation Award 2000
  • Jaguar Best Architecutre Gold Award 2000
  • Best Energy Saving Home Gold Award 2000
  • German Solar Prize 2001
  • n-tv middle class award Hidden Champion 2011
  • 1st place dream house selection guide building 2012 Plus X Award 2012
  • 1st place at the award ceremony "Healthy farms in the Middle Rhine region" 2013
  • Award "Hidden Champion" by Prof. Dr. hc. mult. Simon 2013
  • Diamond master craftsman's diploma Franz Huf 2014
  • Winner of the Tony Leitch Townscape Award 2015
  • Wood preservation certificate HUF HAUS 2016
  • Home of the Future Award (England) 2016
  • Silver medal "Readers' House Selection of the Building Owners" 2016
  • "BVF Award" for pioneering projects 2016
  • Home of the Future 2016
  • Gold certification for all HUF Houses of the German Sustainable Building Council 2016
  • Platinum award for the HUF Show House Riverview from the German Sustainable Building Council 2017

Diamond master craftsman's diploma for Franz Huf

Economic history lived and written

Koblenz Chamber of Crafts presents 184 Golden, 32 Diamond, nine Iron and two Platinum Master Letters - Franz Huf receives Diamond Master Letter.

50, 60, 65 and even 70 years ago, he received his master craftsman's diploma. Now 227 senior craftsmen have been honoured by the Chamber of Crafts (HwK) Koblenz in the presence of Hans Peter Wollseifer, President of the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH). From the hands of HwK President Werner Wittlich, 184 old masters received their Golden, 32 the Diamond and nine the Iron Master Craftsman's Certificate. Master baker Erich Muscheid and master tailor Franz Dahlem can even look back on 70 years of championship. They passed their master's examination in the middle of the war. The Platinum Master Craftsman's Letter was awarded for this extraordinary lifetime achievement of the now 99 and 101 year old craftsman.

Being a master craftsman was and is sustainable

In his laudatory speech, Werner Wittlich referred to the life's work of each individual. In doing so, he placed the personal professional master path in the political and social context of these years. "The events of the day have shaped our society and also us. One such personal event was certainly the successful passing of your master craftsman's diploma. In doing so, you documented that you were prepared to drive the economic upswing forward. Over the past 50, 60, 65 or even 70 years, you have made a significant contribution to shaping society with your work, regardless of the field of craftsmanship. Being a master craftsman was and is sustainable. Many have thus laid the foundation stone in their companies on which the young masters are building today", says the Chamber President. He briefly looked back at the events that moved the world in those years. The football miracle of Berne in 1954 is one of them.

Lifetime achievement honoured

Hans Peter Wollseifer also focused on the lifetime achievement of the honoured in his welcoming address. "You have brought Germany forward. I hope that your commitment and your success will encourage young people to pursue a career in the skilled trades. We need journeymen and bachelors, masters and master craftsmen alike. Wollseifer once again emphasized the dual training system as a worthwhile alternative to university studies with a variety of career opportunities.

This year, due to the number of registrations, the honouring of the jubilees was again held on two subsequent days. Werner Wittlich personally presented the masters from the 1944, 1949, 1954 and 1964 classes with their awards. He congratulated them also on behalf of General Manager Alexander Baden as well as the HwK board of directors and found words of thanks and recognition for each of the jubilarians. Four anniversary masters - a master hairdresser, a master carpenter, a master upholsterer and a master watchmaker - were introduced in a short film. The contribution gave cause for smiles, reflection and recognition. It evoked memories. Above all, the personal fulfilment that was connected with the master craftsman's examination for the four masters and their summary after decades of mastery became clear. In the craft they became happy and satisfied. With foresight, passion and lifeblood they managed their company and some of them are still active.

Old masters remember

Master watchmaker Walter Friedrich Schmidt from Andernach and master butcher Günter Schütz from Bad Ems found moving words on behalf of the honoured seniors. Both thanked the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts and its employees for organising the festive celebration of the old masters, which is an expression of the appreciation of the senior craftsmen. They emphasized the role of the master craftsman's certificate as a challenge, but also as a symbol of quality work. Schmidt regretted that the crown had fallen in his craft as the basis for independence. "I am very happy when young people still strive for the master craftsman's crown."

The old master celebration was musically framed by the craftsmen's choir Birkenfeld and singer Maryna Bense, moderated by Stefanie Schmitz and Josef Gans, both employees of the HwK.

To the interview

Gold Series Certification of the DGNB

German Sustainable Building Council issues gold certification for every newly built HUF House

Now it is official: Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Managing Director of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), congratulated the HUF HAUS management on passing the conformity test and officially confirmed the series certification with the Gold award level.

HUF HAUS follows the strictest sustainability criteria in the planning and construction of its modern timber-frame houses made of wood and glass - this is impressively proven by the independent test result of the DGNB certification body: Gold for every HUF HAUS that leaves the factory at the company's Hartenfels location! This means that all projects of the traditional company from the Westerwald region can be awarded the gold plaque for sustainable building in the future.

"We made a conscious decision in favour of certification by the DGNB because this is about the overall performance of our houses, which is made up of many different and very complex components. You can compare this demanding testing process with a decathlon - just like a motivated athlete who has to prepare for many different disciplines in the best possible way, we work with great commitment and energy on every detail, no matter how small, to achieve our goal - the development of sustainable living concepts in a unique architectural language," summarises Christoph Schmidt, member of the HUF HAUS management board.

The certification process, which is carried out in parallel with daily operations, has been monitored in recent months by an independent auditor from the company thinkstep, Mr Attila Takacs. The auditor's task is to provide transparent and objective support for the process, from registration and analysis of test reports to the certification itself.

The DGNB's assessment is by no means based on individual measures; the strict certification criteria include the comprehensive sustainability concept and the so-called overall performance of the building. In addition to many other aspects, the environmentally compatible extraction of materials, the ecological balance sheet of the company and efficient processes in production are put through their paces by the responsible DGNB auditor.

Background information DGNB

The DGNB sees itself as a non-profit association for the promotion of sustainable construction and operation of the built environment. The registered association is not primarily committed to ecological or economic goals, but to social objectives. It is an organization supported by its members, which also sees sustainability as an extension of the understanding of democracy to future generations.


Platinum certification for HUF HAUS

Double premiere in England: Platinum for HUF HAUS - DGNB celebrates first certification in England

The "Riverview" show house, planned and built by HUF HAUS at the Brooklands/Weybrigde location, was yesterday, Tuesday, the first project in England to be awarded the German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V. (DGNB) in the highest certification category "Platinum".

The first official certification in the English market for the DGNB and the European market leader for modern timber-frame architecture could not have been more successful. Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Managing Director of the DGNB, awarded the HUF House ART 6 the platinum plaque in person on site. For the DGNB, it is also the first single-family house ever to have gone through the evaluation process at an international level - until now, the institution has only certified multi-storey or commercial buildings abroad.
Architect Peter Huf, who received the certificate in the show house together with Christoph Schmidt, member of the HUF HAUS management board, also considers it a successful start for both partners, who also see sustainability as an extension of the understanding of democracy to future generations:

    "We are very proud to be the first DGNB-certified project in England. The platinum award is of course the greatest praise for us and proof that the efforts of recent years to implement the strictest sustainability criteria have paid off".

The DGNB certification system differs from other assessment systems in its holistic approach - it is internationally applicable. Since the system can be adapted to the climatic, structural, legal and cultural characteristics of other countries, the DGNB is able to certify worldwide.

    The platinum award for the HUF House ART 6 is representative of the first international award for a single-family home by the DGNB.
    "Thanks to the intensive cooperation with HUF HAUS in Germany and now also in England, we have the opportunity, together with a strong partner, to communicate the topic of sustainability and gain a foothold in the English market," said Dr Christine Lemaitre, summarising the eventful day.

The basis for renewed success was laid by the family business from the Westerwald region in autumn 2016 with the gold series certification for every HUF House that leaves the factory at the company's location in Hartenfels. This means that future HUF Haus builders are guaranteed a Gold Award, regardless of the size of the house or the floor plan.

Background information DGNB

The sustainability concept of the DGNB System is broadly defined - it takes a consistent view of all the key aspects of sustainable construction. These include the six thematic areas of ecology, economy, socio-cultural and functional aspects, technology, processes and location.
This makes the DGNB System the only one that attaches as much importance to the economic aspects of sustainable building as to ecological criteria. The assessments are always based on the entire life cycle of a building. The decisive factor here is that the DGNB system does not evaluate individual measures, but the overall performance of a building or neighbourhood.
The understanding of sustainability in this complex and comprehensive evaluation system is unique and has been successfully implemented by the DGNB in more than 20 countries to date.

Project award HUF City Living

HUF CITY LIVING with surface heating and cooling system awarded as a pioneering project

The Federal Association for Surface Heating and Surface Cooling (BVF) presented the BVF Award 2016 for pioneering panel heating and cooling systems to the exemplary residential project HUF City Living - planned and realised by the Westerwald family business HUF HAUS - in Berlin on 24 November 2016.

Spatial redensification in cities and municipalities is becoming increasingly important due to rapidly rising land prices and a lack of living space. The district town of Montabaur, perfectly connected to the metropolises of Cologne and Frankfurt, impressively demonstrates with the HUF City Living project with its four distinctive buildings and 44 residential units how energy self-sufficient living is already possible today.

The BVF presented the exemplary property with the BVF Award 2016 and thus honoured the building owner HUF HAUS on 24 November 2016 in Berlin, represented by Benedikt Huf (member of the management board), TGA specialist planner Thomas Runkel, managing director Christoph Esseling (Josef Willing GmbH) and Achim Schnell, marketing manager of the participating surface temperature control specialist aquatherm.

In addition to the flexible and contemporary floor plans, the apartments of the half-timbered house specialist HUF HAUS impress above all with a well thought-out air-conditioning concept, which draws the majority of the energy required for the buildings and outdoor areas from renewable energy sources. The central element here is the 500,000 litre Viessmann ice energy storage unit, which feeds several heat pumps in the technical rooms of the buildings and is linked to a total of 450 solar double modules on the monopitch roofs of the houses.

But the sophisticated system of ice storage cylinders, heat pumps and solar dual modules ensures pleasant temperatures not only in the winter months. The heat is distributed via "aquatherm black system", which is used for ceiling and floor tempering. The homogeneous heat distribution and the short reaction time of the system create a pleasant climate in the living rooms throughout the year.

A further special feature is the ventilation system: All apartments have a so-called health box, a demand-driven exhaust air unit, which together with ventilation systems in the window frame regulates the indoor air quality with sensor control. This interaction ensures the disposal of used air and the continuous and soundproofed supply of fresh air.

    Ulrich Stahl, Chairman of the Board of the BVF, sees the outstanding aspect of the HUF City Living project above all in the combination of sustainable energy sources with innovative systems from the fields of photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, ventilation systems and surface temperature control: "We are proud that we are able to present our BVF Award to such a groundbreaking project this year. Both the architectural concept and the constructional design and energy quality are exemplary and worthy of imitation. A significant part of this quality is the surface temperature control, for which our members in the BVF stand with their consulting and manufacturing know-how".

Further information can be found at:


The three-level quality system in prefabricated house construction

The three-level quality system in prefabricated house construction

The seal approval of the Quality Association of German Prefabricated Housing (QDF) is the most comprehensive quality mark in German prefabricated housing construction. The test criteria are based on clearly defined technical standards and requirements for energy efficiency, environmental protection and contractual principles, which in total go far beyond the legal requirements. Our membership of the BDF (Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau e.V. - Federal Association of German Prefabricated Housing) obliges us to comply with the criteria and quality standards. Regular checks ensure this.

The RAL quality mark for timber house construction means that the production and assembly of the house manufacturer are regularly monitored. These quality criteria are of a technical nature and constantly increase the quality of the individual prefabricated house elements.

The Ü-lable provides information that a building product fulfils the legal minimum requirements and that legal conditions are observed.

HUF HAUS's extensive experience thus guarantees a durable, perfectly executed timber-frame construction, and the pronounced spirit of innovation guarantees constant progress.