As Human we are physically and mentally adjusted to daylight, so it is no surprise that 80% of all sensory impressions are transmitted by light. It is therefore all the more important, for mind and body, to soak up healthy daylight every day and take advantage of nature’s benefits.
Thanks to plentiful daylight and the integrated view of surrounding nature, HUF residents see their performance increase naturally as their metabolic processes and hormone regulations are optimised and autonomic processes in their body are supported.
“Living in a HUF house means always being close to the rhythm of nature. Whether it’s sunny, raining or snowing – nature provides a new show every day that fills us with joy,” Georg Huf, a managing partner of HUF HAUS, shares his impressions of Home.
In addition to their aesthetical appeal, the HUF HAUS triple glazed panels absorb comfortable heat from the sun and maintain excellent heat insulation. It is not only residents of Family Homes who can benefit from healthy HUF architecture. Offices flooded with natural light and inspiring views are ideal for employee motivation, commitment and performance. As well as reproducing colours better, natural light also helps employees stay alert and attentive in the workplace.
The innovative HUF HAUS Architecture captivates visitors of a HUF Show House or Family Home upon arrival and with their very first glance. HUF HAUS create truly unique living experiences that are characterised as much by the combination of spacious transparency and post and beam structure as they are by the builds visual gateway to the surrounding nature and the resulting benefit to health.
Over many years, HUF HAUS has acquired an international reputation for building prestigious single and multi-family homes, bungalows and townhouses and the visual excellence of HUF HAUS’s larger, commercial buildings have also gained in popularity over the years.
It is our belief that wherever people live and work, their connection to the direct surroundings and environment has an influence on their wellbeing, motivation and enjoyment of life.