Apprenticeship at HUF HAUS
The apprentices of HUF HAUS have successfully passed their exams in July 2021 in the professions of carpenter, joiner, industrial clerk for Europe as well as draftsman. With her impressive journeyman's piece (a dining and play table), carpenter Anna Langewiesche even took 1st place in the "Die Gute Form" competition of the Westerwaldkreis carpenters' guild.
In August 2021 already, the exciting and interesting career path in the family business in Hartenfels began for two carpenters, six joiners, three industrial clerks and one draftsman. The previous group of gradutates has proven that there are very good job opportunities for new trainees that have successfully completed their studies: A total of nine former trainees are now taking on demanding tasks in the various lines of work at HUF HAUS.

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On the left: Thomas Huf
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