Wooden houses

The custom-made houses from HUF HAUS not only impress with their characteristic appearance of timber and glass, but also with their sustainable and healthy construction with the highest level of living comfort. "Ready" is the synonym for "turnkey" in HUF HAUS' modern timber houses and guarantees you, the building owner, a carefree planning and construction phase from a single source.

Did you know?

In addition to the quick assembly of your dream house, the prefabrication in the factory also enables a high quality standard, because all components are produced under the best possible conditions and prepared for assembly on site.

Similar to the automotive industry, the houses are manufactured in ultra-modern production halls and are subject to constant quality control. It would be unthinkable if the beloved new car were to be produced on a greenfield site - and that applies all the more to your own four (glass) walls!

Would you like to take a look behind the scenes at HUF HAUS? 

Arrange a production tour at the company location in Hartenfels.

Know-How: Structural Wood Protection

Is a wooden house truly durable and long-lasting?

At HUF HAUS, this question can not only be answered with a confident ""yes"", but it is also factually substantiated. The family-run company is a pioneer in the field of structural wood protection, boasting a comprehensive wood protection concept developed in close collaboration with Germany's most renowned wood protection expert, Dipl.-Ing. Borimir Radovic, Academic Director (retired).

For eighteen months, the independent specialist conducted a detailed report on the prefabricated wooden houses by HUF HAUS, meticulously examining the structural details of the modern homes. The report states: ""The construction details shown for the HUF houses by HUF HAUS GmbH & Co. KG ensure compliance with the requirements of the current DIN 68800-2 (Wood Protection Part 2: Preventive Construction Measures in Building Construction) with innovative detailed solutions and exemplary results.""

Based on this external report, a comprehensive wood protection concept was developed, documenting both the selection and quality of the raw material wood, as well as structural detailed solutions for construction wood protection. HUF HAUS is currently the only company in the industry that meets the valid wood protection standards in all areas and can demonstrate this in detail—with distinction.

Since 1972, the construction details of HUF wooden houses have been continuously developed—exceeding legal requirements. A dedicated research centre at the company headquarters in Hartenfels aids in the ongoing review and exploration of new ideas for construction wood protection. For example, an in-house weathering station with a sprinkler system provides insights into the durability of materials or their reactions to extreme stress.

Vorteile HUF Holzhaus

  • Die sichtbare tragende Holzkonstruktion ist ausschließlich aus hochwertigem Brettschichtholz, je nach statischer Anforderung beispielsweise in der Festigkeitsklasse GL28c nach DIN EN 1194, ausgeführt.
  • Die Lamellenstärke beträgt 33 mm. Das Brettschichtholz unterliegt einer besonderen HUF Qualitätsbeschreibung.
  • Die Kanten der Leimholzkonstruktion im Außenbereich sind gerundet.
  • Alle Brettschichthölzer werden mit moderner 4-Band-Schleifmaschine geschliffen.
  • Die großen Dachüberstände schützen das HUF Haus vor Witterungseinflüssen in besonderem Maße. Die Dachüberstände bewirken eine hervorragende Beschattung der Fassaden, insbesondere bei hoch stehender Sommersonne.
  • Schwellen und Brüstungsriegel sind abgeschrägt.
  • Auskragende Holzteile wie Zangen (Balkenlage), Pfetten und Holzkonstruktionen von Umgängen sind mit einem Wetterschutz aus beschichteten Aluminiumformblechen versehen.
  • Alle Formbleche sind mit speziellen Klemmprofilen auf der Unterkonstruktion verdeckt befestigt.
  • Balkongeländerpfosten bestehen aus V2A-Edelstahl.
  • Die HUF typischen Dachrinnen werden mit beschichteten Aluminium-Formblechen an den oberen Kanten und an den Enden versehen.
  • HUF HAUS hat spezielle Details für den Übergang vom Haus zur Außenanlage entwickelt.

Buy a prefabricated timber house - what happens after moving in?

If you decide to buy a prefabricated house from HUF HAUS, you can be sure that you will continue to receive the best care even after many years: During the warranty period and beyond, the ServiceART team is available to answer all your questions about painting, building cleaning, modernisation or extensions and conversions.

Times change and so do tastes and preferences. After a few years you may wish for a new bathroom or the living situation requires an extension of the living space. ServiceART is your contact - a HUF house for life - and takes care of your concerns competently and flexibly.

As a HUF House owner, you automatically become a member of the HUF Club, which meets annually in the show houses. Look forward to becoming part of the HUF family!

Buy prefabricated timber house - Prices

Would you like to buy a prefabricated timber house with land or find out the price of a modern timber house from HUF HAUS? No problem! The expert advisors in your vicinity are available for you at any time and will discuss the wishes for your dream house with you.

At HUF HAUS you will certainly find a show house near you. With some background information about your wishes and the planned example, our experts will be happy to prepare a first calculation for you on site.

The turnkey service from HUF HAUS naturally also includes comprehensive financing advice for you - free of charge and without obligation. The financial advisors of HUF's own financing service will examine the best possibilities for you for optimal construction financing, nationwide and independently!

Would you like to contact the HUF HAUS Financing Service in advance and clarify a few questions about your constructionfinancing?(Only if you build in Germany) The team is pleased that you are interested in  wooden houses and the secure financing of the project!

Wooden houses from HUF HAUS in the media

Green Living                   

Flat roof - River Thames

Dream House